Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune
Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune
Life as you analyse, is a mixture of past experience, correction of mistakes and vision for the future life. Life is all about creation of dreams/wishes in the present moments of our life thus achieving our goal and purpose of life. Its manifestation comes from infinite intelligence within us which you may call God, invisible force or Nature or the Universe which brings all creation in our lives as. Just be yourself, love yourself as you are and love everyone as they are; See people with the eyes of spirit and not body, then your life looks up and shapes your real destiny with purpose.
Present life is a process of unfinished task of our previous birth but God wants us to live like Him as He had created the Universe for us and not for Himself. He wants us to live for others, serve others and live with without selfish ends. He wants us to share everything with what we have with others. The truth of life is inner happiness and not the worldly, materialistic and temporary. Your life is your target, goal, wish, dream, a purpose and it will reach the destination as you visualize, think, speak and act.
Life is a learning process where you learn at each stage of your bad/good period and after rectifying your mistakes you become more careful and get insight to create a happy, peaceful and healthy life. It will depend on you only as how you want to see your life down the line to 1/3/5/10/30 years from now till you become old.
Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune
Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune
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