Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Dear Readers,
Hi, I am Dinesh Sahay the author of “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE*” and pleased to inform you that my Print book/eBook, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” is now released online and is now available at bottom of this message. A Wish/Dream Fulfillment program is hidden in the book.
Quotes from the book, ‘Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” by Dinesh Sahay
“Fate or Kismet is the invention of fools and does not exist. Whoever believes in it and is obsessed with divine fate, is the enemy of his own soul. He perishes, destroying his own good worth and prosperity.”                                                                           (Yogi Vashishtha)
The future is undefined and you have to create it. 
Your life lies in the present moments of your time, whether it’s life or death. Forget about the past which is dead. Ignore it and look forward to the creation of your destiny in the present moments of your life.
Your destiny is locked between your past and present thoughts. It’s a fight between past thoughts and present ones. The thoughts that strive hard, win. Thoughts are manifested in life accordingly, successfully or unsuccessfully.
You are the creator of your own destiny stored for you by God. He releases it to you on demand through your thoughts and actions. It’s as simple as this.

About the book:

This book is a guide to all solutions to your problems in day-to-day life. Also; you can learn how to create what you want in life by identifying and targeting your WISH/DREAM or a GOAL and make your dreams come true by the use of TECHNIQUE-- OF POWER OF MIND, THOUGHT, POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS, POWER OF WRITING and RIGHT TARGETED ACTIONS. There is a practical exercise in which you can carry out a program for a few minutes when at home or in the office while travelling by train, plane or car by sparing a few minutes of your time each day till you reach your goal or reach near to what you want. You will start observing quick results from 3rd day onward in the direction of the path of your dreams/wish/goal subject to your pre=set notions and faith and positivity in mind.

I request readers to read this Golden book several times before you start the actual program for Dream/Wish Fulfilment and solutions to your serious problems in life such as marriage, finances, business, abundance, recovery from serious illnesses, and growth in business and company. 
Please buy the book from any of the below-given links print/eBook, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” by Dinesh Sahay:
                         Book in Print paperback
eBook, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” by Dinesh Sahay          in India & International
1.         Amazon (Kindle): at;
 2. at; 
  3.  Google play…
You can also visit my links;
 I would request you forward this message to your friends and others who may be interested to learn this technique. Please write a 1/2 line review, and rate Stars***** of choice. or
    Thank you.
Dinesh Sahay
Author Mentor
Current Book: “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE” * by Dinesh Sahay   Publisher: Notion Press
Next Book underway: “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell?”
MakeYourDreamsComeTrue - MakeYourDreams - Enlighten the Lamp of your fortune
*Terms and conditions apply.

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